Support Home > Reference Information > Scrubbing a Device ID

Scrubbing a Device ID

Feature Summary: The following document defines the process for scrubbing a device identifier from the Free App Analytics system.


NOTE: By following this procedure and entering a Device ID, this tool will remove all record of that device from the Free App Analytics reconciliation engine.


Data Needed Before Beginning Process:

  • Target App
  • Device ID Type
  • Device ID


Use Cases for Scrubbing a Device ID from Free App Analytics:

  • Testing a Click-to-Install conversion tracking is complete.

Scrubbing the Device ID

  1. Log in to Free App Analytics.
  2. Select the desired Account.
  3. Select Account Options > Device Scrub.


  1. Click Scrub a Device ID.
  2. Select the Target App.
  3. Select the Device ID Type.
  4. NOTE: Typically the Device ID Type will be either IDFA (iOS) or ADID (Android).

  5. Enter the Device ID.
  6. Click Proceed.


Device Data


NOTE: If the Target App, Device ID Type and Device ID correspond to a device on record, the device ID will be scrubbed.


Successfully Scrubbed

A. Device Successfully Scrubbed

NOTE: If either the Target App, Device ID Type or Device ID is incorrect an error message will be displayed.



A. Device Not Successfully Scrubbed


Last Modified: Nov 16, 2022 at 12:48 pm