Data Needed Before Beginning Process:
- Petal Ads Link ID
- Petal Ads Conversion Type
Create a Petal Ads Campaign
- Log in to Free App Analytics.
- Select the desired Account and App.
- Select Links > Campaign Manager.
- Click Add a Tracker or Select Segment Tools (⋮) > Add a Tracker.
- Select the Campaign.
- Select the Segment.
- Enter a unique Tracker Name.
- Select Tracker Type > Acquisition. (default setting)
- Select Select a Network >Petal Ads:
- Select Default Tracker:
- On
- Off (default)
- Select the Destination URL Type:
- Custom
- Google Referrer (Android Only)
- Landing Page
- Enter the Install Destination URL.
- Enter a Deep Link. (optional)
- Click Save. (If no further trackers need to be created).
- Click Save & Add Another Tracker. (If additional trackers need to be created).
- Click Save & Create Postback. (To navigate directly to the Partner Configuration page).
NOTE: In order to streamline the Campaign/Segment/Tracker creation process a feature has been added to allow the creation of campaigns and segments while creating a new tracker. For more information about creating a campaign or segment while adding a new tracker, refer to our Create an Install Campaign support document.
NOTE: Selecting On will allow SAN network traffic to funnel to the default tracker when no tracker ID is present. If a default tracker is not set up and the tracker ID is not appended to the partner campaign name, that data will be bucketed in the most recently set up tracker for that network.
NOTE: For more information on creating and using Landing Pages, refer to our Landing Page Creation and Maintenance support documentation.
NOTE: Google Referrer is set as the default destination type for Android apps. For the majority of Android install campaigns, Google Referrer is used for optimal conversion tracking. Google Referrer will only appear for Android based apps. If the Google Referrer Install URL needs to be updated, refer to our Update Google Referrer Install URL support documentation.
A. Campaign and Segment selection/creation section.
Create a Petal Ads Postback Configuration
- Select Apps & Assets > Partner Configuration.
- Click Add a Configuration.
- Select Network Partner > Petal Ads:
- Click Go.
- Click Install > Postback Tools (⋮) > Edit.
- Enter the Petal Ads Link ID.
- Select the Petal Ads Conversion Type.
- activate
- browse
- collection
- addToCart
- preOrder
- register
- retain
- paid
- levelAchieved
- addPaymentInfo
- addToWishlist
- completeRegistration
- tutorialCompletion
- initiatedCheckout
- purchase
- subscribe
- startTrial
- rate
- search
- spentCredits
- achievementUnlocked
- contentView
- listView
- adClick
- adView
- travelBooking
- share
- invite
- login
- reEngage
- openedFromPushNotification
- update
- custom
- Click Save.
Reengagement Configuration
The information within this section provides the steps necessary to establish a reengagement campaign. If a reengagement campaign does not need to be created, the information in this section may be disregarded.
NOTE: Petal Ads requires a reengagement tracker and postback for Free App Analytics to send data for any post-install event.
Create a Reengagement Segment:
- Locate the desired Campaign.
- Select Campaign Tools (⋮) > Add a Segment.
- Enter a Segment Name.
- Enter a Segment Description. (optional)
- Click Submit.
Create a Reengagement Tracker:
- Click Add a Tracker or Select Segment Tools (⋮) > Add a Tracker.
- Select the Campaign.
- Select the Segment.
- Enter a Tracker Name.
- Select Tracker Type > Reengagement.
- Select Media Partner > Petal Ads.
- Select an Agency Partner. (optional)
- Add Reengagement Event.
- Click Save (If no further trackers need to be created).
- Click Save & Add Another Tracker (If additional events need to be created).
- Click Save & Create Postback (to navigate directly to the Partner Configuration page).
NOTE: A Reengagement event can be added by clicking on the “+” and removed by clicking “X“.
A. Campaign and Segment selection/creation section.
Post-install Event Postback Configuration:
- Select Apps & Assets > Partner Configuration.
- Select Petal Ads > Network Tools (⋮) > Postbacks.
- Locate the desired event and Click Edit Postback.
- Enter the Petal Ads Link ID.
- Select the Petal Ads Conversion Type.
- Check Is Revenue if the option includes revenue data.
- Select the Delivery Method. (optional)